and the
Common Speech
with notes on
the tongue of
the Rohirrim
[See Appendix F - LOTR
It is of note that J.R.R. Tolkin claimed that in dealing
with the Hobbit tongue - and therefore the Common Speech, and thus the
language of the Rohirrim, he adapted terms into familiar English; thus
it should be kept in mind that some words, while appearing familiar, were
quite foreign when spoken by those of Middle Earth; for example, 'Rivendell'
- Imladris in the Elvish - was actuallly Karningul in the
Common Speech - Westron.]
For more information on these entries and anglicized
forms, see LOTR Dictionary; Professor Tolkien
states that many H names
were created for their sound and had no traceable meaning
AS = Anglo Saxon
arch = archaic
CS = Common Speech or Westron
H = Hobbit
LOTR = Lord of the Rings
M = Mannish tongues
OE = Old English
Roh = the tongue Rohirric; most of the names are already anglicised
-a the Hobbit ending
- a - was masculine as a rule; J.R.R.. Tolkien changed to -o,
thus 'anglicising' it
[Adaldrida (Brandybuck);
anglicised form of H female name; German edel, OE æðel
'noble'; OE ðridda
'third'; most H names
are rendered in older English forms and are not developed here except where
central to story development;
see LOTR Dictionary for those listed in that index.]
Balc CS; horrible
Ban CS; ba-, ban-
half-, almost; a shortened Shire name, derived from Bannatha, presumably
they laid no claim to
the apellation 'halfling' [see next]
banakil CS; halfling
Banzir Samwise;
'Sam' anglicised for ban; also see zir; 'half-wise'
Barabatta Bree [M]; quick-talker;
short form Batti; anglicised form Barnabas, short form Barney;
nickname of inn-keeper
of Bree
bas- CS; village
Bilba H form of Bilbo;
see -a
Bolgra H name; CS
bulge, fat
Bophîn CS? H bophan;
in contemporary British a 'boffin' is an intellectual worker, but in H
it related
more to contemporary British
'boff' - a hearty laugh; in CS said not to have anything to do with
laughter... perhaps just
'[hearty?] fellow'
Branda-nîn H; 'border-water',
Shire name for Elvish Baranduin [see LOTR Dictionary]; see
form Brandywine,
but this form seems to borrow from the Elvish - e.g. REG- Quenya réna,
rhein, rhain
border... NEN- Quenya nén water, Noldorin nen, plural
[see The Etymologies]
Brandu H; old [see next],
but in another place 'foam', thus making Elvish 'Baranduin' [Brown River]
anglicised H Brandywine,
'brown foam' or 'beer'
Brandugamba H; for anglicised
see previous
Bree CS [arch]; hill [see LotR Dictionary]
Carbandur abandoned; see
cast H; gift, treasure;
anglicised form mathom
castu Roh form of cast
chet Anglicized CS [arch]; forest; Celtic (Brythonic) cet [or ced], Old Welsh coit 'forest', Middle
English heth heath (untilled ground); from Germanic *haithiz
cubuc H; hole-dweller;
anglicised form: Hobbit, a stylised form of ancient English hol-bytla
[see LOTR
Dictionary]; see
cubug H [arch]; hole-dweller;
possibly an ancient M word that was adapted also to CS; see previous
cugbagu Roh; an older
form of the previous two entries
Fallohide anglicised; AS
fallow, tawny; hide = skin; 'fair-skinned'; one of the three Hobbit 'clans';
the actual H rendering
of the name is not available
gad H; fixed, closed
galab CS; also galap;
game; H form galb-
Galbassi H; Gamgee
is the anglicised form; from a place-name: Galabas, H Galb(b)as;
see galab; also
see bas village
Galpsi H reduced form
of Galbassi
gamba CS; stag; OE bucca
male deer - as in H Brandugamba - Oldbuck [modified to Brandybuck]
globa Roh; see next
gluva H; inhabited hole;
Roh form globa; see smial
grad Roh; mark, boundry
hamanullas H; a small blue
flower anglicised to Lobelia; possibly related to ancient Elvish
name Aman;
the Elven stem KHAP- 'enfold'
has a Noldorin form hammad 'clothing' [see The Etymologies]
Hamfast anglicized form
of H Ranugad; AS ham village, dwelling; AS fæst
fixed, enclosed; 'stay-at-home'
Harfoots anglicised name
of one of the three Hobbit 'clans'; 'hairfeet'; OE hær, German
'hair'; the
actual H rendering of
the name is not available
him(a) H; beer
hloth CS; H loth;
hole, two-room dwelling
hlothran CS; H lothran;
village; hloth see previous; see also ran(u); anglicised
form Cotton [Cottage
isen anglicised form; iron;
AS isen iron, weapon; actual Roh word not available
Kali CS; jolly, gay; ?AS
(ge-)sælig happy?
Kalimac H & CS for
anglicised name Meriadoc; 'merry' + -doc, a Celtic ending
Karningul CS; Rivendell;
Elvish: Imladris
kast see cast
kili abandoned; see
kuduk Roh? CS? same as
- hole-dweller, Hobbit; perhaps shortening of kûd-dûkan
Roh; same as kuduk, cubuc - hole-dweller; see previous
labin CS; bag
Labin-nec H; Bag End
Labingi H; anglicised form:
believed to be connected with CS labin 'a bag'
lo-, loho Roh;
horse [combining form]; anglicised form: éo-
lograd Roh; horse-mark
Lohtur Roh; horse-folk
Lothran H; see hlothran;
anglicised form: Cotton; may be an alteration of hloth-ram(a)
luthur, luthran
CS; down, fluff
mathom [malthom]
anglicised form of H cast; gift, treasured thing; AS maðum
Maura M? H name of Frodo,
but not found in H; however, the related Roh term maur- means 'wise,
experienced'; Frodo
is a German form of the word related to the OE frod wise [poetic];
Old Norse froðr
old, experienced
Nahald Northern M &
CS; secret; actual name of anglicised Déagol, an ancient
Hobbit; AS nihol,
neowol obscure,
deep down ?
nargian CS; genitive
plural form of narac 'dwarf'; Elvish nauko, naug dwarf
phur CS [arch]; to delve;
Phurunargian CS [arch];
dwarf-dig; Elvish Moria, Dwarvish Khazad Dûm; see nargian;
Tolkien assigned the name
taken from kubal, kubu 'delve', which seems more logical
light of the H cubuc,
a burrower or hole-dweller
Pippin see Razanur
ram(a) H; dweller?
ran(u) CS; a group of
dwelling holes on a hillside, village
rapha Bree [M]; dwelling,
inn?; one note assigns the meaning 'burr', presumably a 'bristle'; see
Rasputa, Raspûta
H; 'hornblower', but see Tóbias; a H name
raza CS; stranger
razan CS; foreign
Razanur H; the name of
a legendary 'traveler'; Razanur Tuc - Peregrin (Pippin) [Latin
a foreign
country; peregrinor
to travel in foreign lands; 'pippin' from Middle English pepin apple
- see razar;
the combination sets up
a typical Hobbit jest]
razar CS; a small apple;
see previous
rog Roh; plur. rogin; Woses [see LOTR Dictionary]
sharku Black Speech? old man;
perhaps remotely connected with Elven stem THUS- Quenya saura foul
smial anglicised form
of H gluva - inhabited hole, warren; derived from OE smygel
burrow; a typical H
jest: smial for
'smile' - a pleasant mouth or 'opening'
Soval Pharë CS; name
of the 'Common Speech'; pharë may share a common source with
'dig'; in
Elven fáre
- sufficiency' - is derived from PHAR- reach, suffice, although Noldorin
- from SPAR-
hunt - seems as likely
related [see The Etymologies]
Stoor H; big; from Scandinavian
big; one of the three Hobbit 'clans'; the actual H rendering of the
name is Tung
Sûza [-t]
H; Shire, office, estate; in Gondor more at 'province', similar to Noldorin
[Elvish root
LAD- wide] - in the sense
of 'region'
tapuc H; rabbit
thain anglicized form;
AS ðegn freeman, official; similar to 'sheriff', 'burgermaster'
tharantin H; quarter,
fourth part
tharni H [arch]; mostly
used the same as English 'farthing' - a quarter section; also used in Gondor
for a
coin; see previous
Tóbias H; 'hornblower',
but see Raspûta; a H name
Tragu Northern CS; worm,
burrower; actual name of anglicised form - Smaug [see LOTR Dictioanry]
trahald Northern CS [arch];
trahan Roh; same as trahald
trân H; same as
tuca H [arch]; daring?
H name Tûk; 'Took' is the anglicised form of this prominent
H family name
tung H; big; see Stoor
tur Roh; land, people
turac Roh; king;
anglicised to Théoden
wini Roh; friend
[used for horses]; an anglicised form? - OE winë friend; [see Unfinished
Tales, Part
Three, Chapter II, 'Notes',
p. 325]
zara H [abandoned?]; old
Zilbirapha Bree name,
anglicized to Butterburr; AS bur bower, shelter [as in arbor];
one note says
zilib = butter
and raph(a) = burr
zir(a) CS; wise
~ ~ ~